
Production/Post: Anime Expo 2015, Xbox/Comic-Con 2015, Pottery Barn Teen, Kohl's

It has been quite busy for me since I last posted. Bouncing around all over Los Angeles/SoCal for work wouldn't be so tiresome if I wasn't in the process of moving. Moving is stressful, and a billion times more stressful when you have to work out of town. I've learned that no matter how prepared you are it's just always going to be stressful. I recently moved out of my lovely live/work studio loft to a practical 2 bedroom house. I'm actually in the process of building the 2nd bedroom into an edit bay. Photos and details will come once it's finished.

Anyway, here is what I have been up to...

I was DIT on set for the new AwesomenessTV DIY series, Revved Up Rooms with Pottery Barn Teen. I also edited the series which is online now! Shot on the Canon C100/300 and 5D MKII.

Watch the first episode here https://youtu.be/7ZErwUYRhyk
And here's what AdWeek had to say about the latest series http://adweek.it/1CuLg2D

I shot with Viz Media at the Los Angeles Anime Expo for some BTS and OTF interviews for the Sailor Moon DVD/Blu-Ray special features. Shot this on the Nikon D3200.

Another great year at Comic-Con San Diego editing same day deliverables, but this time for IMDb Video. Here is our small, but mighty Post crew. And yes, I regret not bringing my external monitor :( But I mostly miss having an iMac

Watch the videos here http://www.imdb.com/comic-con/

I edited the season 4 trailer of AwesomenessTV's, Life's S.o. R.a.d. with Kohl's. There's actually 2 versions of the trailer floating out on the web. I'm happy that people liked both my cuts so they put both versions out :)

Watch the trailer here https://youtu.be/-wU3mzms0u8